Young African leaders visited BIOCEV
News — 18.10.2024

Young African leaders visited BIOCEV

On Wednesday, 16 October 2024, a delegation of twenty successful young leaders from fourteen countries on the African continent visited the BIOCEV Centre as part of the Cool Czechia programme organised by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic (MoFA).

During their stay, the participants got to know not only Czech history, culture, democratic institutions, media or NGOs, but also each other and formed important contacts and friendships. 

Václav Prášil, Director of the Sub-Saharan Africa Department (MoFA), officially began the programme at the Czernin Palace. "Czechia wants to build relations with Africa on partnership basis. This means that we want to have open and frank discussions with our African partners on all important issues," said Director Prášil. 

During the seven days, the programme participants visited the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic, where they debated current geopolitical issues with members of the Foreign Affairs Committee. They met and networked with journalists. With representatives of NGOs, they sought concrete ways to cooperate with each other in various sectors. 

On Monday, 14 October, participants had the opportunity to converse with Forum 2000 speakers. In the ensuing debate, they discussed together the role of Africa in today's globalised world. 

The following days, the programme participants visited the Faculty of Social Sciences of Charles University, where they discussed the potential of Czech-African partnership with students of international relations. Then, during a media afternoon, they learned about the workings of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty and the public Czech Television. 

The next day, the young African leaders headed to top scientific institutes. In Dolní Břežany they visited one of the most up to date laser research centres in the world, ELI Beamlines, and in Vestec they learned about the research activities of the BIOCEV Centre, which specialises in basic research in medicine. 

"The future of Africa, the world's youngest continent, will be shaped by its new generations. We can honestly say that working with young people full of enthusiasm, ideals, curiosity and positive life energy gives us a great pleasure." said Kateřina Sequencová, Senior Director of Non-European Countries, Economic and Development Cooperation (MoFA), during the closing ceremony. 

Source: MoFA and BIOCEV

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