Scientific Director

In his scientific work, Prof. Martásek utilizes his personal clinical experience, his extensive knowledge of internal medicine with a special focus on diseases with a hereditary component, and also his experience from active research in the field of pathobiochemistry. Interest in the study of the molecular basis of diseases led Prof. Martásek into the field of molecular and structural biology. Prof. Martásek is an internationally renowned expert in the research field of structural-functional determinants of the synthesis of gaseous molecules, which are important agents in normal and pathologic conditions, and in the field of heme synthesis and degradation.

prof. MUDr.
Pavel Martásek, DrSc.
Scientific Director and Chairman of the BIOCEV Council
All partners are represented in the BIOCEV Council according to the partnership agreement. List of members since January 1st, 2021.

prof. MUDr.
Pavel Martásek, DrSc.
Scientific Director and Chairman of the BIOCEV Council

Miroslava Anděrová, CSc.
Director, Institute of Experimental Medicine CAS
miroslava.anderova@iem.cas.cz+420 241 062 230

Petr Dráber, DrSc.
Director, Institute of Molecular Genetics CAS
draberpe@img.cas.cz+420 241 062 468

Dr. Ing.
Jiří Kotek
Director, Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry CAS
kotek@imc.cas.cz+420 296 809 316

Jiří Paleček, CSc.
Deputy Scientific Director, Institute of Physiology CAS

prof. RNDr.
Zdena Palková, CSc.
Group Leader, Faculty of Science, Charles University
zdena.palkova@natur.cuni.cz+420325873933, +420325873929

prof. Ing.
Bohdan Schneider, CSc., DSc
Director, Institute of Biotechnology CAS,
Head of Structural Biology and Protein Engineering Program,
Head of the Intermolecular Recognition of Proteins and Nucleic Acids Group

prof. RNDr.
Jan Tachezy, Ph.D.
Head of Cellular Biology and Virology Research Programme, Faculty of Science, Charles University

doc. ing.
Milan Jakubek, Ph.D.
Head of Laboratory
milan.jakubek@lf1.cuni.cz+420325873012, +420325873025
Administration Team
The administration team is the executive body of the BIOCEV Director. It provides organizational, financial and economic, PR and marketing, technical and HR management of the project and ensures the implementation and administration of public contracts.

prof. MUDr.
Pavel Martásek, DrSc.
Scientific Director and Chairman of the BIOCEV Council
International Scientific Board
The International Scientific Council is an advisory body to the Director of BIOCEV, whose members are important foreign scientific figures. The main competencies include the assessment of the excellence of the BIOCEV scientific program and the quality of scientific work outputs from an international perspective. Furthermore, provide the Director with suggestions, information or recommendations to increase the performance and prestige of BIOCEV and individual scientists.

Jean-Michel Camadro
Université Paris Diderot, Institut Jacques Monod
Joel Sussman
Department of Stuctural Biology, Weizmann Institute of Science
Prof. Dr.
Wilhelm J. Ansorge, Ph.D.
Professor at Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne
William C. Sessa, Ph.D.
Professor of Pharmacology
Alfred Gilman Professor of Pharmacology and Professor of Medicine (Cardiology)
Vice Chairman, Pharmacology; Director, Vascular Biology & Therapeutics Program

Didier Stainier
Professor and Director and Scientific Member at the Max Planck Institute for Heart and Lung Research
Marc Van Ranst
Full professor (part-time) Faculty of Medicine
Department chair of the Department of Microbiology and Immunology
Member of Divisie Leuven Universitair Vaccinologie Centrum
Catholic University in Leuven, Laboratory of Clinical Virology

Prof. Dr.
Carsten Werner
Head of the Institute Biofunctional Polymer Materials within the Max Bergmann Center of Biomaterials and Professor for Biofunctional Polymer Materials at the Technische Universität Dresden